In a 3-0 decision by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday, the court said that companies that make and sell software can use shrink-wrap, or in the case of online downloads - click-to-continue licenses to preclude "owners" from the re-sale of the license. The ruling seems to be the first ruling by an appellate court that specifically focuses on the sale (i.e. the sale of a license) to a party beyond the original purchaser, and the terms of that sale affecting the ability to re-sell it later.How can this be, you might ask? Well, back in 1909, the "First Sale Doctrine" allowed the owner of a legitimate copy of a copyrighted work to sell/transfer ownership of that particular copy without the authorization of the copyright holder. The court ruled "The first sale doctrine does not apply to a person who possesses a copy of the copyrighted work without owning it, such as a licensee..." This has the potential of having a substantial impact on photographers' licensing and contracts. How?
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